
Mike Caulfield's latest web incarnation. Networked Learning, Open Education, and Online Digital Literacy

Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers Is Out

Back before the election I was working on a book on the problems of living in “the stream” — this endless flow of stuff we read, retweet, and react to. My argument in that still unfinished work was that while the stream is useful and exciting it also warps our sense of reality in unhelpful ways. Forced to decide within seconds to retweet an inflammatory tweet or share a headline on Facebook we tend to make bad decisions that pollute the information environment and reduce the depth and complexity of our thought. The 2016 primary elections in the U.S. were going to be Exhibit A of this trend, with a nod toward the acceleration of these trends in the 2016 general election.

It was going to be a condemnation of the attention economy we’ve developed and its whole rotten ad-driven substrate, followed by a plea to return to some older visions of the web.

After the general election I felt both vindicated and weirdly distant. As I continued to work on the book it occurred to me that what the world needed, much more than a scholarly book or extended philippic, was a textbook or field guide that explained how to survive in this world of viral information flows and social media firehoses.

So in November I switched gears and began to write a textbook for web literacy that focused on the question of what web literacy for stream culture looked like. What I found is that it had to be quick and tactical. Users are presented with hundreds of headlines and statements a day through social media, and asked to retweet or share that information with little or no background. Students need skills that help them to get closer to the truth in between the few minutes between when they see something and when they decide to share it. Conversations with researcher Sam Wineburg confirmed this need for quick and frugal fact-checking basics.

So I wrote this book: Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers. It started out as a Google Doc, the bulk of which I wrote over Christmas vacation, but I’ve just transferred it all to a Pressbooks site so everyone can use it. It’s still rough and unfinished in places, but it’s in a shape that’s suitable for classroom use.

I don’t mean it to replace what we do with critical thinking and web efforts around digital identity, making, and collaboration. But I think it fills a gap that I’m not seeing other resources address. And it’s a real important gap.

Here are some other formats (though remember this is a blog post — if it is substantially after the publish date, check Pressbooks for newer versions).

MOBI (Kindle)
PressBooks XML

Comments and suggested edits are welcome.

16 responses to “Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers Is Out”

  1. Thanks Mike, I’ll be using your book with my Year 11 Research Project students.

  2. Mike – great concept and resource, but kind of a confusing title. Maybe something catchier like “Before You Share: Quick Fact-checking in a Web of Fake News”

  3. Great work. Thank you. I am going to be looking at this with some trainee teachers here in Finland. I have to admit to liking the “Before you share” title idea by Bryan, but this still works for me. As well as the strategies it serves as a great opener to discussions on this topic.

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  6. […] literacy speaks to this, and such an approach overlaps in some powerful ways with a more robust approach to web literacy. Anyway, that’s part 1 of my trip to Sweden, now for 2 and 3 tomorrow and Friday The […]

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  8. […] in learning technology. Some of these are abstract (his frequent and longstanding criticisms of “the stream” as an inadequate frame for constructing knowledge), others are practical and easy to adopt (such as […]

  9. […] posting responses to the present unreality. Some of these are abstract (his frequent criticisms of “the stream” as an inadequate frame for constructing knowledge), others are practical and easy to do (such as […]

  10. […] “It occurred to me that what the world needed, much more than a scholarly book or extended philippic, was a textbook or field guide that explained how to survive in this world of viral information flows and social media firehoses,” Caulfield wrote in a blog post detailing the origins of the project. […]

  11. […] TALK Fact Checkers  Google reverse image search – to see source of photographs good for copy […]

  12. […] in this world of viral information flows and social media firehoses,” Caulfield wrote in a blog post detailing the origins of the project. […]

  13. Nice blog thanks foor posting

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